Monday, March 3, 2014

Back to Food Blogging

It's been a while (over a year) since I last posted.  Yesterday as I was planning our weekly menu I realized how much I missed it.  I think I stopped partially because Big J has been working in DC and with him gone 3-4 days a week little j and I just haven't been making meals that are that interesting (tomato soup and grilled cheese, eggs and tortillas, pasta, pasta, pasta, and more recently salad with grilled chicken).  Now that little j's palate is developing she is more willing to try, and like, new foods.  Chili has been a revelation because for a long time she wouldn't eat beans.  And mixing foods is suddenly not a major issue.

So this week we are trying some new things: cashew chicken and spinach and mushroom quiche.  We are also mixing in a few favorites: beef and broccoli, "grandpa casserole" (more on that one later, but not made with grandpa), and sautéed chicken with balsamic roasted tomatoes.  It seems crazy that little j hasn't tried quiche, but she doesn't really like cheese, so that's been a barrier.

I'm looking forward to getting back to posting new recipes and sharing our successes and failures.

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